Englisch (USA)
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Net Material Overview

The following table gives you an overview of all combinations of rope diameters, mesh sizes and colors. Need any help choosing the right rope diameter or mesh size? Simply ask us!



Custom-Made Textile Safety Nets

Item No.MaterialRope DiameterMesh SizeMax. Tensile Strength
of a Mesh
WeightAvailable Colors
202-020 polypropylene1.0 mm20 mm200 N50 g/m²
202-030 polypropylene1.0 mm30 mm200 N30 g/m²
202-050 polypropylene1.0 mm50 mm200 N20 g/m²
1203-010* polypropylene1.5 mm10 mm250 N150 g/m²
203-020 polypropylene1.5 mm20 mm250 N80 g/m²
203-028 polypropylene1.5 mm28 mm250 N55 g/m²
203-030 polypropylene1.5 mm30 mm250 N50 g/m²
203-050 polypropylene1.5 mm50 mm250 N35 g/m²
203-060 polypropylene1.5 mm60 mm250 N30 g/m²
203-100 polypropylene1.5 mm100 mm250 N15 g/m²
201-020 polypropylene1.8 mm20 mm600 N130 g/m²
201-025 polypropylene1.8 mm25 mm600 N100 g/m²
201-030 polypropylene1.8 mm30 mm600 N85 g/m²
204-020 polyamide2.0 mm20 mm800 N240 g/m²
200-020 polypropylene2.3 mm20 mm800 N180 g/m²
200-025 polypropylene2.3 mm25 mm800 N145 g/m²
200-030 polypropylene2.3 mm30 mm800 N135 g/m²
200-045 polypropylene2.3 mm45 mm800 N90 g/m²
200-100 polypropylene2.3 mm100 mm800 N50 g/m²
200-120 polypropylene2.3 mm120 mm800 N35 g/m²
205-100 polypropylene2.8 mm100 mm1000 N60 g/m²
205-120 polypropylene2.8 mm120 mm1000 N50 g/m²
209-030 polypropylene3.0 mm30 mm1250 N260 g/m²
209-045 polypropylene3.0 mm45 mm1250 N150 g/m²
209-045-4F polypropylene3.0 mm45 mm1250 N150 g/m²
209-100 polypropylene3.0 mm100 mm1250 N75 g/m²
209-120 polypropylene3.0 mm120 mm1250 N65 g/m²
216-035 polyester3.0 mm35 mm1100 N230 g/m²
216-045 polyester3.0 mm45 mm1100 N185 g/m²
216-100 polyester3.0 mm100 mm1100 N90 g/m²
216-130 polyester3.0 mm120 mm1100 N70 g/m²
208-038 polyamide3.5 mm38 mm1300 N225 g/m²
207-045 polypropylene3.5 mm45 mm1400 N200 g/m²
207-100 polypropylene3.5 mm100 mm1400 N100 g/m²
207-120 polypropylene3.5 mm120 mm1400 N70 g/m²
215-030 polypropylene4.0 mm30 mm1600 N330 g/m²
215-045 polypropylene4.0 mm45 mm1600 N210 g/m²
215-100 polypropylene4.0 mm100 mm1600 N110 g/m²
215-100-2F polypropylene4.0 mm100 mm1600 N110 g/m²
215-120 polypropylene4.0 mm120 mm1600 N90 g/m²
215-120-2F polypropylene4.0 mm120 mm1600 N90 g/m²
210-035 polyester4.0 mm35 mm2000 N350 g/m²
210-045 polyester4.0 mm45 mm2000 N285 g/m²
210-100 polyester4.0 mm100 mm2000 N150 g/m²
210-120 polyester4.0 mm120 mm2000 N100 g/m²
214-045 polypropylene4.2 mm45 mm1800 N230 g/m²
219-050 polyamide4.5 mm50 mm2200 N290 g/m²
219-100 polyamide4.5 mm100 mm2200 N155 g/m²
212-030 polypropylene5.0 mm30 mm3200 N500 g/m²
212-045 polypropylene5.0 mm45 mm3200 N400 g/m²
212-060 polypropylene5.0 mm60 mm3200 N300 g/m²
212-070 polypropylene5.0 mm70 mm3200 N275 g/m²
212-100 polypropylene5.0 mm100 mm3200 N200 g/m²
212-120 polypropylene5.0 mm120 mm3200 N170 g/m²
212-300 polypropylene5.0 mm300 mm3200 N55 g/m²
213-100 polypropylene6.0 mm100 mm4200 N360 g/m²
4415-130 polypropylene15.0 mm130 mm8300 N640 g/m²

*diagonal/hexagonal meshes, only available without a border.



Custom-Made Construction-Site Safety Nets

Item No.MaterialRope DiameterMesh SizeEdge DesignSafety Net
Net ClassEnergy
Available Colors
1903-100 polypropylene5.0 mm100 mmedged ropeSA24.8 kJ
1903-060 polypropylene5.0 mm60 mmedged ropeSA16.1 kJ
1903-045 polypropylene5.0 mm45 mmedged ropeSB19.0 kJ
2003-100 polypropylene5.0 mm100 mmedged rope with thimble hooksSA24.8 kJ
2003-060 polypropylene5.0 mm60 mmedged rope with thimble hooksSA16.1 kJ
2003-045 polypropylene5.0 mm45 mmedged rope with thimble hooksSB19.0 kJ
2103-100 polypropylene5.0 mm100 mmedged rope with suspension ropesSA24.8 kJ
2103-060 polypropylene5.0 mm60 mmedged rope with suspension ropesSA16.1 kJ
2103-045 polypropylene5.0 mm45 mmedged rope with suspension ropesSB19.0 kJ
3000-100 polypropylene5.0 mm100 mmintegral surround ropeUA24.4 kJ
3000-060 polypropylene5.0 mm60 mmintegral surround ropeUA16.1 kJ
3000-045 polypropylene5.0 mm45 mmintegral surround ropeUB19.0 kJ



Custom-Made Flame-Retardant Safety Nets

Item No.MaterialRope DiameterMesh SizeMax. Tensile Strength of a MeshFire Protection ClassificationWeightAvailable Colors
202PSF023 polyester1.0 mm23 mm200 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)50 g/m²
203F050 polypropylene1.5 mm50 mm250 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)40 g/m²
204F008* polypropylene1.8 mm8 mm270 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)260 g/m²
200F020 polypropylene2.3 mm20 mm800 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)180 g/m²
200F025 polypropylene2.3 mm25 mm800 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)160 g/m²
200F045 polypropylene2.3 mm45 mm800 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)100 g/m²
209F045 polypropylene3.0 mm45 mm1250 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)165 g/m²
212F045 polypropylene5.0 mm45 mm3200 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)440 g/m²
212F060 polypropylene5.0 mm60 mm3200 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)330 g/m²
212F100 polypropylene5.0 mm100 mm3200 NDIN 4102 (B1) / DIN EN 13501-1 (B-s1 d2)220 g/m²

*diagonal/hexagonal meshes, only available without a border.



Custom-Made Belt Strap Webbing Nets

Item No.MaterialStrap WidthMesh SizeEdge DesignPermissible Tensile ForceAvailable Colors
6325-100 polyester25 mm100 mmedged polyester tape with eyelets1000 daN
6325M100 polyester25 mm100 mmsewn-on d rings1000 daN
6325-200 polyester25 mm200 mmedged polyester tape with eyelets1000 daN
6325M200 polyester25 mm200 mmsewn-on d rings1000 daN



Custom-Made Climbing Nets

Item No.MaterialMesh ConnectionRope DiameterMesh SizeMin. Breaking Force
of Rope
Available Colors
4316-130 hercules rope with steel coreplastic knot system16.0 mm125 mm42.0 kN
4316-250 hercules rope with steel coreplastic knot system16.0 mm250 mm42.0 kN
4316-300 hercules rope with steel coreplastic knot system16.0 mm300 mm42.0 kN
4316-350 hercules rope with steel coreplastic knot system16.0 mm350 mm42.0 kN
4316-400 hercules rope with steel coreplastic knot system16.0 mm400 mm42.0 kN
4316-500 hercules rope with steel coreplastic knot system16.0 mm500 mm42.0 kN
4516-120 hercules rope with steel corestainless steel clamps16.0 mm120 mm42.0 kN
4516-250 hercules rope with steel corestainless steel clamps16.0 mm250 mm42.0 kN
4516-300 hercules rope with steel corestainless steel clamps16.0 mm300 mm42.0 kN
4516-350 hercules rope with steel corestainless steel clamps16.0 mm350 mm42.0 kN
4516-400 hercules rope with steel corestainless steel clamps16.0 mm400 mm42.0 kN
4516-500 hercules rope with steel corestainless steel clamps16.0 mm500 mm42.0 kN
4618-250 hercules rope with steel corealuminium knot system18.0 mm250 mm42.0 kN
4618-300 hercules rope with steel corealuminium knot system18.0 mm300 mm42.0 kN
4618-350 hercules rope with steel corealuminium knot system18.0 mm350 mm42.0 kN
4618-400 hercules rope with steel corealuminium knot system18.0 mm400 mm42.0 kN
4618-500 hercules rope with steel corealuminium knot system18.0 mm500 mm42.0 kN
4416-120 hercules rope with steel coreknot-tied, braided16.0 mm120 mm30.4 kN
4416-250 hercules rope with steel coreknot-tied, braided16.0 mm250 mm30.4 kN
4416-300 hercules rope with steel coreknot-tied, braided16.0 mm300 mm30.4 kN
4416-400 hercules rope with steel coreknot-tied, braided16.0 mm400 mm30.4 kN
4416-500 hercules rope with steel coreknot-tied, braided16.0 mm500 mm30.4 kN
4116-110 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided16.0 mm110 mm31.7 kN
4116-250 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided16.0 mm250 mm31.7 kN
4116-300 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided16.0 mm300 mm31.7 kN
4116-400 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided16.0 mm400 mm31.7 kN
4116-500 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided16.0 mm500 mm31.7 kN
4120-250 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided20.0 mm250 mm51.2 kN
4120-300 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided20.0 mm300 mm51.2 kN
4120-400 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided20.0 mm400 mm51.2 kN
4120-500 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided20.0 mm500 mm51.2 kN
4125-250 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided25.0 mm250 mm71.7 kN
4125-300 polypropylene ropeknot-tied, braided25.0 mm300 mm71.7 kN



Custom-Made Fabric Tarpaulins

Item No.MaterialMesh SizeWeightShadingAvailable Colors
720 polyethylene, closemesh fabric panels1 x 3 mm200 g/m²50 : 50
775 polyethylene, tape/monofilament closemesh0,3 x 0.3 mm320 g/m²90 : 10
790 polyester, coated with PVC2 x 2 mm400 g/m²50 : 50
785 polypropylene, closemesh fabric panels2 x 6 mm550 g/m²50 : 50
771 polypropylene, closemesh fabric panels1 x 1 mm510 g/m²98 : 2
795 jute, woven fabric1 x 1 mm450 g/m²50 : 50



Custom-Made Textile Nets with Wire Inlay

Item No.MaterialVersionRope DiameterMesh SizeMax. Tensile Strength
of a Mesh
WeightAvailable Colors
9830-060 polypropylene with stainless steel wire inlayfixed width 300 cm4.75 mm60 mm2450 N517 g/m²
9840-060 polypropylene with stainless steel wire inlayfixed width 400 cm4.75 mm60 mm2450 N517 g/m²
9830-100 polypropylene with stainless steel wire inlayfixed width 300 cm4.75 mm100 mm2450 N336 g/m²
9840-100 polypropylene with stainless steel wire inlayfixed width 400 cm4.75 mm100 mm2450 N336 g/m²



Drahtseilnetze nach Maß

Item No.MaterialRope DiameterMesh SizeRope Breaking ForceSlip ResistanceWeight (approx.)
4615-025 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm25 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN1800 g/m²
4615-050 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN700 g/m²
4615-075 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm75 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN400 g/m²
4615-100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm100 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN300 g/m²
4615-125 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm125 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN250 g/m²
4615-150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm150 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN170 g/m²
4615-200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm200 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN120 g/m²
4615-250 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm250 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN100 g/m²
4615-300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm300 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN80 g/m²
4620-025 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm25 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN3200 g/m²
4620-050 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN1200 g/m²
4620-075 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm75 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN650 g/m²
4620-100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm100 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN450 g/m²
4620-125 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm125 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN350 g/m²
4620-150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm150 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN270 g/m²
4620-200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm200 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN180 g/m²
4620-250 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm250 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN140 g/m²
4620-300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm300 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN120 g/m²
4625-025 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm25 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN3800 g/m²
4625-050 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN1600 g/m²
4625-075 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm75 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN1100 g/m²
4625-100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm100 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN650 g/m²
4625-125 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm125 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN500 g/m²
4625-150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm150 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN390 g/m²
4625-200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm200 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN280 g/m²
4625-250 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm250 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN210 g/m²
4625-300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm300 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN200 g/m²
4630-050 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN2300 g/m²
4630-075 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm75 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN1500 g/m²
4630-100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm100 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN920 g/m²
4630-125 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm125 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN700 g/m²
4630-150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm150 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN550 g/m²
4630-200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm200 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN400 g/m²
4630-250 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm250 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN320 g/m²
4630-300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm300 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN280 g/m²
4640-050 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN3800 g/m²
4640-075 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm75 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN2200 g/m²
4640-100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm100 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN1600 g/m²
4640-125 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm125 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN1250 g/m²
4640-150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm150 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN1000 g/m²
4640-200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm200 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN720 g/m²
4640-250 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm250 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN550 g/m²
4640-300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm300 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN480 g/m²
4650-075 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm75 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN3700 g/m²
4650-100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm100 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN3200 g/m²
4650-125 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm125 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN1950 g/m²
4650-150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm150 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN1550 g/m²
4650-200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm200 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN1150 g/m²
4650-250 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm250 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN860 g/m²
4650-300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm300 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN750 g/m²
4660-075 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm75 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN5350 g/m²
4660-100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm100 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN3800 g/m²
4660-125 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm125 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN2900 g/m²
4660-150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm150 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN2300 g/m²
4660-200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm200 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN1650 g/m²
4660-250 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm250 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN1250 g/m²
4660-300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm300 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN1100 g/m²
4815-025 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm25 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN1800 g/m²
4815-050 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN700 g/m²
4815-075 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm75 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN400 g/m²
4815-100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm100 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN300 g/m²
4815-125 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm125 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN250 g/m²
4815-150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm150 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN170 g/m²
4815-200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm200 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN120 g/m²
4815-250 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm250 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN100 g/m²
4815-300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm300 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN80 g/m²
4820-025 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm25 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN3200 g/m²
4820-050 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN1200 g/m²
4820-075 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm75 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN650 g/m²
4820-100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm100 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN450 g/m²
4820-125 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm125 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN350 g/m²
4820-150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm150 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN270 g/m²
4820-200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm200 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN180 g/m²
4820-250 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm250 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN140 g/m²
4820-300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm300 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN120 g/m²
4825-025 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm25 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN3800 g/m²
4825-050 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN1600 g/m²
4825-075 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm75 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN1100 g/m²
4825-100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm100 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN650 g/m²
4825-125 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm125 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN500 g/m²
4825-150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm150 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN390 g/m²
4825-200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm200 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN280 g/m²
4825-250 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm250 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN210 g/m²
4825-300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm300 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN200 g/m²
4830-050 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN2300 g/m²
4830-075 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm75 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN1500 g/m²
4830-100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm100 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN920 g/m²
4830-125 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm125 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN700 g/m²
4830-150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm150 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN550 g/m²
4830-200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm200 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN400 g/m²
4830-250 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm250 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN320 g/m²
4830-300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm300 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN280 g/m²
4840-050 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN3800 g/m²
4840-075 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm75 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN2200 g/m²
4840-100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm100 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN1600 g/m²
4840-125 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm125 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN1250 g/m²
4840-150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm150 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN1000 g/m²
4840-200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm200 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN720 g/m²
4840-250 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm250 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN550 g/m²
4840-300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm300 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN480 g/m²
4850-075 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm75 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN3700 g/m²
4850-100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm100 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN3200 g/m²
4850-125 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm125 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN1950 g/m²
4850-150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm150 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN1550 g/m²
4850-200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm200 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN1150 g/m²
4850-250 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm250 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN860 g/m²
4850-300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm300 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN750 g/m²
4860-075 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm75 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN5350 g/m²
4860-100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm100 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN3800 g/m²
4860-125 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm125 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN2900 g/m²
4860-150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm150 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN2300 g/m²
4860-200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm200 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN1650 g/m²
4860-250 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm250 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN1250 g/m²
4860-300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm300 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN1100 g/m²
4715-025 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm25 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN3300 g/m²
4715-050 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm50 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN1200 g/m²
4715-075 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm75 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN600 g/m²
4715-100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm100 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN400 g/m²
4715-125 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm125 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN290 g/m²
4715-150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm150 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN220 g/m²
4715-200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm200 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN150 g/m²
4715-250 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm250 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN110 g/m²
4715-300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm300 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN80 g/m²
4720-025 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm25 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN6500 g/m²
4720-050 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm50 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN2100 g/m²
4720-075 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm75 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN1050 g/m²
4720-100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm100 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN680 g/m²
4720-125 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm125 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN510 g/m²
4720-150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm150 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN380 g/m²
4720-200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm200 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN280 g/m²
4720-250 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm250 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN180 g/m²
4720-300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm300 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN150 g/m²
4725-025 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm25 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN7100 g/m²
4725-050 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm50 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN3000 g/m²
4725-075 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm75 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN1600 g/m²
4725-100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm100 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN880 g/m²
4725-125 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm125 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN660 g/m²
4725-150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm150 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN500 g/m²
4725-200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm200 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN380 g/m²
4725-250 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm250 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN250 g/m²
4725-300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm300 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN240 g/m²
4730-050 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm50 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN4000 g/m²
4730-075 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm75 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN1900 g/m²
4730-100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm100 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN920 g/m²
4730-125 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm125 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN1000 g/m²
4730-150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm150 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN750 g/m²
4730-200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm200 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN510 g/m²
4730-250 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm250 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN380 g/m²
4730-300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm300 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN320 g/m²
4740-050 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm50 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN6000 g/m²
4740-075 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm75 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN3100 g/m²
4740-100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm100 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN2150 g/m²
4740-125 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm125 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN1600 g/m²
4740-150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm150 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN1250 g/m²
4740-200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm200 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN850 g/m²
4740-250 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm250 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN650 g/m²
4740-300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm300 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN550 g/m²
4750-075 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm75 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN5700 g/m²
4750-100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm100 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN3800 g/m²
4750-125 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm125 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN2800 g/m²
4750-150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm150 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN2100 g/m²
4750-200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm200 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN1450 g/m²
4750-250 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm250 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN1050 g/m²
4750-300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm300 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN900 g/m²
4760-075 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm75 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN8250 g/m²
4760-100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm100 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN5500 g/m²
4760-125 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm125 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN4000 g/m²
4760-150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm150 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN3050 g/m²
4760-200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm200 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN2100 g/m²
4760-250 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm250 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN1550 g/m²
4760-300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm300 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN1300 g/m²
4615-050/100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 100 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN400 g/m²
4615-050/150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 150 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN300 g/m²
4615-050/200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 200 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN250 g/m²
4615-050/300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 300 mm1.2 kN0.8 kN190 g/m²
4620-050/100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 100 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN650 g/m²
4620-050/150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 150 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN450 g/m²
4620-050/200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 200 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN350 g/m²
4620-050/300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 300 mm2.7 kN1.0 kN240 g/m²
4625-050/100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 100 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN1100 g/m²
4625-050/150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 150 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN650 g/m²
4625-050/200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 200 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN500 g/m²
4625-050/300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 300 mm4.8 kN1.1 kN300 g/m²
4630-050/100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 100 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN1300 g/m²
4630-050/150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 150 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN920 g/m²
4630-050/200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 200 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN700 g/m²
4630-050/300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 300 mm6.1 kN1.5 kN500 g/m²
4640-050/100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 100 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN2200 g/m²
4640-050/150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 150 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN1600 g/m²
4640-050/200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 200 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN1250 g/m²
4640-050/300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 300 mm10.9 kN2.0 kN1050 g/m²
4650-050/100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 100 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN3700 g/m²
4650-050/150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 150 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN3200 g/m²
4650-050/200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 200 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN1950 g/m²
4650-050/300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 300 mm14.7 kN3.0 kN1700 g/m²
4660-050/100 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 100 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN5350 g/m²
4660-050/150 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 150 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN3800 g/m²
4660-050/200 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 200 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN2900 g/m²
4660-050/300 galvanised steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 300 mm25.1 kN4.0 kN2050 g/m²
4815-050/100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 100 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN400 g/m²
4815-050/150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 150 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN300 g/m²
4815-050/200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 200 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN250 g/m²
4815-050/300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors1.5 mm50 x 300 mm1.7 kN0.8 kN190 g/m²
4820-050/100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 100 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN650 g/m²
4820-050/150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 150 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN450 g/m²
4820-050/200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 200 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN350 g/m²
4820-050/300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.0 mm50 x 300 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN240 g/m²
4825-050/100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 100 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN1100 g/m²
4825-050/150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 150 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN650 g/m²
4825-050/200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 200 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN500 g/m²
4825-050/300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors2.5 mm50 x 300 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN300 g/m²
4830-050/100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 100 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN1300 g/m²
4830-050/150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 150 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN920 g/m²
4830-050/200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 200 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN700 g/m²
4830-050/300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors3.0 mm50 x 300 mm5.6 kN3.0 kN500 g/m²
4840-050/100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 100 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN2200 g/m²
4840-050/150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 150 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN1600 g/m²
4840-050/200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 200 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN1250 g/m²
4840-050/300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors4.0 mm50 x 300 mm10.7 kN4.3 kN1050 g/m²
4850-050/100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 100 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN3700 g/m²
4850-050/150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 150 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN3200 g/m²
4850-050/200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 200 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN1950 g/m²
4850-050/300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors5.0 mm50 x 300 mm13.7 kN5.0 kN1700 g/m²
4860-050/100 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 100 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN5350 g/m²
4860-050/150 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 150 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN3800 g/m²
4860-050/200 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 200 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN2900 g/m²
4860-050/300 stainless steel wire with aluminium connectors6.0 mm50 x 300 mm20.5 kN7.5 kN2050 g/m²
4715-050/100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm50 x 100 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN600 g/m²
4715-050/150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm50 x 150 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN400 g/m²
4715-050/200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm50 x 200 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN290 g/m²
4715-050/300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors1.5 mm50 x 300 mm1.7 kN0.9 kN200 g/m²
4720-050/100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm50 x 100 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN1050 g/m²
4720-050/150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm50 x 150 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN680 g/m²
4720-050/200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm50 x 200 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN510 g/m²
4720-050/300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.0 mm50 x 300 mm2.5 kN1.7 kN330 g/m²
4725-050/100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm50 x 100 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN1600 g/m²
4725-050/150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm50 x 150 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN880 g/m²
4725-050/200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm50 x 200 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN660 g/m²
4725-050/300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors2.5 mm50 x 300 mm3.9 kN1.7 kN360 g/m²
4730-050/100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm50 x 100 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN1900 g/m²
4730-050/150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm50 x 150 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN1350 g/m²
4730-050/200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm50 x 200 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN1000 g/m²
4730-050/300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors3.0 mm50 x 300 mm5.6 kN2.5 kN710 g/m²
4740-050/100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm50 x 100 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN3100 g/m²
4740-050/150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm50 x 150 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN2150 g/m²
4740-050/200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm50 x 200 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN1600 g/m²
4740-050/300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors4.0 mm50 x 300 mm10.7 kN3.3 kN1200 g/m²
4750-050/100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm50 x 100 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN5700 g/m²
4750-050/150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm50 x 150 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN3800 g/m²
4750-050/200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm50 x 200 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN2800 g/m²
4750-050/300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors5.0 mm50 x 300 mm13.7 kN3.5 kN1900 g/m²
4760-050/100 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm50 x 100 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN8250 g/m²
4760-050/150 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm50 x 150 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN5500 g/m²
4760-050/200 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm50 x 200 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN4000 g/m²
4760-050/300 stainless steel wire with stainless steel connectors6.0 mm50 x 300 mm20.5 kN3.6 kN2650 g/m²
Contact Us
Schutznetze24 GmbH
Weyerberg 535614Aßlar-BerghausenHessenDE
+49 6443 4369640office@safetynet365.comhttps://us.safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.pnghttps://us.safetynet365.com/templates/tpl_modified/img/logo/logo_head_en@2x.png